Can the future of loose-leaf tea be found in a bag?
Conventional wisdom holds that loose-leaf tea is expensive, messy, and far superior to anything that can be found in a bag. Bagged teas, by comparison, are cheap, convenient, and filled with nothing...
View ArticleSpecialty / artisan tea versus mass tea
Recently, there has been quite a bit of discussion on T Ching about tea bags and sachets (aka large tea bags). It inspired me to think about this more than I usually do, because even among what are...
View ArticleFinding a tea-cher
I was talking to my sister a while ago, and I asked her, “What kind of tea do you like?” Her answer: “Tetley. Or chamomile.” Hmmm. So my question is: How do you educate someone about tea and...
View ArticleTea-making art said to lag in the U.S.
“Tea would become a more popular beverage in the United States if restaurants improved their brewing methods, United Nations experts have decided. Unsatisfactory tea-making is probably a major reason...
View ArticleAn August charity tea
Tea is a peculiar word. It can refer to the dried leaves of a plant, often shredded, that can be used to make a drink by adding water. It can refer to the drink that is made from such leaves. It can...
View ArticleAre all taste buds created equal?
As I am sitting with a friend at a local coffee shop, pondering what to write for my next tea post, I pose the question: “Do you like tea?” His answer: “Not really. I mean, if someone brought me a hot...
View ArticleTea bags and iced tea – revolution or evolution?
At The Tea Spot, we focus much of our time and efforts on innovation. Our mission is to foster health and wellness by making loose-leaf tea an everyday luxury. To make this a reality, we strive to...
View ArticleWould you like your quality tea now, or later?
American tea drinkers remain a bit of a mystery, or at least a fertile topic for ongoing debate. Who are they, what do they want, and what are they willing to pay for their tea? Are they driven by...
View ArticleConfessions of a tea snob
In 2005, I became one of those obnoxious tea toters. Not totallers. That’s something completely different, although I’m one of those too! I mean, when I traveled, I was the snob that packed my own...
View ArticleInnovative tea bag with a wonderful traveling tea tin
It is often my pleasure to be asked to try a tea-related product and review it for T Ching. When the item is tea from an environmentally and socially responsible producer of 100% organic whole-leaf...
View ArticleA different kind of tea bag
When we launched Joy’s Teaspoon, all of our teas were offered solely in tins. The tins were simple – silver with air-tight lids – and we carried three sizes. They were also recyclable and easy to...
View ArticleGreetings from the managing editor
It is with mixed feelings that I become the managing editor of T-Ching. On the one hand, I’m delighted and excited; on the other hand, I fill big shoes: Erika Cilengir has done a terrific job...
View ArticleIt’s time for a tea break!
To foster a corporate culture of inclusion and acceptance in the workplace, tea needs equal time in the break room. It is as simple as that. Anyone who enjoys a morning or afternoon tea break should...
View ArticleTea in Germany: U.S. Food and Beverage Industry take note
A quiet – and very positive – revolution is underway in Germany. Tea is slowly chipping away at coffee’s stronghold at the table and doing so with a finesse that is truly admirable. It had been six...
View ArticleSix important truths about tea
Every now and then, it is important to rethink the “truths” we cling to. Sort of like cleaning out the garage, basement, or the car . . . the process is painful, but the result is bliss. Consider...
View ArticleTea sheeples: Why we need tea education in the United States
Everything I know about tea, I learned. Deep, right? I began my tea journey with Bigelow’s Constant Comment. No, I’m not getting on my “bagged tea tastes like crap” high horse here. I drank it for...
View ArticleTea clutches – another tea accessory
I was reading a recent story on the World Tea News site about the Tea Clutch. The article goes on to introduce the reader to two different traveling tea clutch options, from Teabar and Stash Tea. So...
View ArticleTea bags or loose-leaf tea? One man’s journey to enlightenment
When buying tea, you are faced with a choice: tea packed in tea bags or loose-leaf tea? Let’s start with tea bags. The little paper sachets of tea are undeniably convenient. Storage is very easy....
View ArticleA word or two about tea bags
The period from 1904 to 1908 was a bellwether one for tea in the United States, or for those with more traditional tea-drinking habits, the beginning of the end of the practice of enjoying properly...
View ArticleTeabags: the gateway brew
Whole leaf enthusiasts know the exquisite difference between a cup of carefully steeped whole leaf – part ritual, part alchemy, part spirituality – and half careful attention to detail. We also know...
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